Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mineral ISBI Chapter 7

Hello, and welcome to the SEVENTH chapter of the Mineral ISBI! 
This one's a bit short because I've been having major issues with blogger. Each of these pictures I had to upload one-by-one because otherwise they were in the wrong order. *sigh*

This is basically all Christy does. Oh well, makes us money I suppose. 
Aw. Poor Cass. She got home from school, dumped her homework, and passed out.
Isn't that every kid?
Well, high school at least. Wait till you grow up kid.

Chalce worried over her for a while. See? He does care!

Christy meanwhile is getting very close to popping.

Chalce meanwhile is becoming very handy, fixing things around the house.

He also helps Cassie get cracking on her homework. He has vowed to never let it pile up for his kids like it did when he was a teen. 

Cassie: Dad, don't I have to do my homework?
Chalce: Hey look, my wife is giving birth. Person person plus, Cassie.
Christy: OW! Random guy that I've never met...

It's a little girl named Almandine, Almie for short. And I just realized she completely breaks the name pattern: Chalce, Christy, Cassie, Almie... Oh well, she's still cute.

But so is Cassie. She's adorable!!!

Cassie: Dad said to say hi to my baby sister, but she kinda smells...

Ah, Cassie. Even when you're begging for attention you're adorable.

Christy's idea of good parenting skills: bottle on the floor, baby on the floor, nearly stepping on baby while making food, rotten food.

Cassie brought home Chandler Platz. 
Chandler: What are you laughing at?
*giggle* *snort* It's just- *giggle*
Chandler: What?
You have a funny name. *chuckle*

She's so sweet. She's now one of my favorite sims.

Just *look* at that face.

Cassie: What are those?
Chalce: They're bills. You'll learn about them soon enough, honey, when you're big and have to pay them yourself. 
Hard day at work, Chalce?
Chalce: That's an understatement. 

Adorbs. I mean really. Little kid, big newspaper.

Poor Christy... She stays up all night with the baby (*cough* painting *cough*) and then comes home after a hard (*cough* easy *cough*) day at work and falls down, she's so tired...
Just kidding Christy, you know I love you. 

And then this random townie lady (Brandy if I'm correct...) arrives to take Chandler home. That almost never happens!

Chalce is having a hard time keeping his aspiration up, so he has aspiration failure. 

And then Christy eats rotten food while he gets checked out by the therapist.

Cassie runs out again to greet her daddy after work. 
Random townie: I should get one of those things to hug me...
And thus why you will forever stay a townie.

Cassie played the piano a lot as a child. 
See? Chalce is a good parent!

And soon it was Almie's birthday. 

...Complete with a birthday cake, but completely lacking a birthday. 

After trying another *two* times, Christy eventually picks her up.

And grows her up.

Chalce gets right on teaching her to walk. She's adorable, and I love her outfit. 

Goopy haunts again!
Sounds like the name of a bad horror film. 

Olivine haunts too. I believe this is her first time. She's in her work clothes, which is actually fitting. 

Finally Chalce gets Almie potty trained. 

But then she passes out. I feel really bad when toddlers pass out. 

She looks so girly-girl, sitting there at the grand piano...except for her clothes. 

Here was where she maxed creativity.

...Then got up and grew up into a teen. 

She's still quite pretty, and looks like Olivine. 

In fact, with this hairstyle she's nearly the spitting image. 

I love her outfit too. 

Uh-oh. Something's wrong here.

We got the sleeping/awake baby glitch again, as well as the bath curtain being closed...while Christy is bathing Almandine. 

The closed curtain glitch eventually stopped, but the z's kept coming for a while. 

I feel like that lady with the video about the dogs on AFV, where she asks "Did you do this?" to each of the dogs. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9R-Wrpd8w8

And go Cassie! She made a group meal!

While haunting Olivine made the bathtub fill up. I've seen it before, but still cool. 

Christy continues to go to work, and although she hasn't gotten any promotions recently it's an accomplishment. 

Somehow the urns keep getting switched, and it's bugging me. I think it's Goopy.
Goopy: But I want a platinum grave!

Ah. I think I found who made the mess. 
Cassie, that's a mark against you.

Almie meanwhile has inherited the same obsession with eating shoes as her sister did at the same age. 

It's Tammy Curtin!
*giggle* Funny last name.
Someone should make a legacy where they marry townies with funny last names, so the last name changes every generation...That would be hilarious.

Almie has also inherited the creepy child-teen jump. 

But she did grow up well. 

I was so excited when I saw this. 
They actually sent two nannies this day, I don't know why. We didn't really need one in the first place, only for an hour or so until Chalce got home from work. 

Maybe it was because THIS one wasn't helping at all. Instead she was making enemies with Christy.

She kept poking her and such. 

Funnily enough Christy never defended herself. 

I absolutely love Almie's clothes. So cute!

Another step closer to perma-plat.

Cassie: I hate glasses. I'm going to stay in my underwear all day so I don't have to wear glasses.

...I don't want to know what you just learned to study, Chalce.
What makes it even more creepy is that he hadn't taught anyone to study and his daughter was right next to him in the bed. O.o

Woah, Chalce. Don't go there. That nanny is NOT hot. She poked your wife!

Chalce continued to dream about her for a while.

Ah, Almie is almost as cute as Cassie was at that age. Almost. 

Okay, she's pretty much the same.

And here's where I'll end this chapter: with a random townie waving at the empty road. 
Happy simming!

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