Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Doomed Grilled Cheese Asylum Chapter 1

Yes, that's right. I've done an asylum! And it's grilled cheese! And it's doomed!

This fantastic grilled cheese house is made by longdaysend at MTS. Here's the link: It's amazing, but of course I modified it a bit for my purposes. 
I thought maybe the grilled cheese aspiration would be easy (man, was I wrong) so I decided to set up a super-hard asylum. There's only two rooms including the bathroom, which means the TV and beds are in the same room.  This'll be fun. 

Here's my controllable sim, Cheddar Cheese. She has the grilled cheese aspiration (of course) with the LTW to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches. She's a Scorpio with a personality of 8/4/8/1/4. 

Now let's get a tour of the house! Because of a computer crash and a rebuild, things will look different, but mostly it's the same.
Here we have the cheese couch and a TV. When I rebuilt, I accidentally bought an expensive TV...Sorry :) 

Here's Shredded modeling the karaoke machine. There was a bit of a debate over at Boolprop over whether or not it was legal, since it raises fun, but I decided to use it anyway. 

Here we've got the chess table and the dance machine thingy. 

Here's the bathroom, which wasn't changed. 
Here's the kitchen, which was later changed drastically. 
And the four beds. 
There was an adorable little office thing, but don't worry, I took out the door after the interviews with the patients were over. 

Here's a full view of the house (Sorry, tiny picture). 
Now let's meet the patients!

"What's your name?" Cheddar asked, taking notes diligently. 
"American Cheese."
"Yes, I see. Reasons for admittance?"
"Apparently I have too much patriotism. Sheesh." 
American Cheese, Family, Virgo 4/10/4/4/3

"Monterrey Cheese."
"Reason for admittance?"
"Apparently being goth is enough to put you in an asylum." 
Monterrey Cheese, Romance, Scorpio 8/6/10/1/0

"Man, this is so boring. Blah blah blah, name." 
"Swiss Cheese."
"Hey, did you know that Abhijeet has a pet cat?"
Cheddar! Stop chatting online!
"Okay, okay. Reason for admittance?"
"Yargh, I'm a pirate!"
Swiss Cheese, Pleasure, Libra 1/8/4/8/4

"Goat Cheese." 
"Um...Okay. Reason for admittance?"
"Hyperactivity, I think. Hey, is there a swingset on this lot?"
Goat Cheese, Family, Leo 4/9/3/6/3

"I am SO good at this game! Name?"
"Pepperjack Cheese."
"I won! Reason for admittance?" 
"Uh, like, too shallow? Whatever."
Pepperjack Cheese, Popularity, Aries 5/8/6/3/3

Get back to work, Cheddar!
"Okay, okay. Name?"
"Shredded Cheese."
"Reason for admittance?"
"Apparently I'm conflicted."
Shredded Cheese, Fortune, Aries 5/8/6/3/3

"YES! I hit a bullseye!" 
"Yes, yes. Name?" 
"Provolone Cheese."
"Why are you here?"
"Shh...But, you see, I'm a mime in disguise. No one can know I'm here."
Provolone Cheese, Popularity, Aquarius 3/3/3/10/6

So now you've met everyone! The actual challenge will begin next time.

Welcome to the asylum!

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