Friday, January 20, 2012

Maid Maileen Epilogue

Here I am, with the epilogue for my Knight in Shining Armor challenge! Enjoy :)

The house was giant, that was for sure. 

But it gave them a chance to take up new hobbies. Charles got into the piano, an instrument that took a fortune to pay for. 

Even Esmerelda joined in on the music. 

Maileen, however, still preferred sticking to cooking. Although Charles had offered to do it all for her, it seemed so comfortable and nice. 

But Maileen found her hobby in something else: painting. Although it wasn't exactly proper for a lady to do so, Maileen had never been one for proper.

But Maileen still labored over each and every meal, making it different and better than before. 

Both parents still doted on their child. It was then that they decided they should have another.

Maileen found she was pregnant a few months later. She was as excited as the first time, but this time she knew she could support the second child. 

And she knew the house could support the child. She still made sure it was as clean and safe as possible, however. 

She finished the painting right before her child was born. It was a knight in shining armor, her knight in shining armor, Charles. 
It would stay that way forever. 

And life moved on. Suddenly, Maileen found herself growing old. They had six children. There was Karl, Esmerelda, Frederick (named after her father), Thomas, Hansel, and Gretel. Maileen would always regret not having children earlier; after all, the youngest were only children. But it could not have been helped.

She and Charles were still as in love as ever. 

And their baby, darling Esmerelda, was all grown up, even with a suitor.

Frederick, her second child, took after her father most. 

And Karl, one of a set of twins, looked like him as well. 

Thomas, however, took after Charles's side of the family.

And Gretel, her face shining with delight, looked exactly like Maileen's mother.

And Hansel too looked like Charles's father. 

The family was together and happy.

(Side note: this is how the neighborhood is saved, and probably will be forever. I don't have the heart to change anything.)

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